QScintilla2 and PyQT4
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14 July 2008
QScintilla is a QT library that adds few widgets - text editor widgets with code highlighting, code autocompletion etc. For PyQT4 we can use a Qscintilla2 snapshot. Download and untar the sources, then go to Qt4 folder in a terminal en execute (linux/unix, as root or sudo):
qmake qscintilla.pro make make install
python configure.py make make install
qmake designer.pro make make install
import PyQt4.Qsci
langs = [i for i in dir(PyQt4.Qsci) if i.startswith('QsciLexer')]
for i,l in enumerate(langs):
print i,l[9:]
0 1 Bash 2 Batch 3 CMake 4 CPP 5 CSS 6 CSharp 7 D 8 Diff 9 HTML 10 IDL 11 Java 12 JavaScript 13 Lua 14 Makefile 15 POV 16 Perl 17 Properties 18 Python 19 Ruby 20 SQL 21 TeX 22 VHDL
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