Django web framework tutorials
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Django components and good solutions
- Using Sentry to log exceptions and logging messages from Django projects
- App enlight - log aggregation and application health monitoring service
- Django class based views in action - forms handling
- Shops near you – geographic features of GeoDjango
- Making Django and Javascript work nicely together
- Managing style sheets and JavaScript files with webassets
Django backend solutions
- Capturing images from a webcam in Django with jpegcam
- Audio recording in Django apps with flvar
- Xapian in Python
- Fulltext search in SQLite and Django app
- Using memSQL and MariaDB in Django projects
- REST API creation with django-tastypie
- Using South for schema and data migrations in Django
Django frontend solutions
- Making Django and Javascript work nicely together
- Parsing tags with django-content-bbcode in examples
- Managing style sheets and JavaScript files with webassets
- Using DHTMLXgrid in a Django application
- nicEditor in Django
- ReCaptcha in Django Forms
- Basic AJAX usage in Django
- Django and Captcha images
- Openwysiwyg in Django
Services, social sites integrations
- Simple Django applications for writing Facebook applications and authentication
- Integrating registration from social sites with RPXnow
- Using Zoho remote API to edit office documents in a Django app
- Using oEmbed in Django
- Facebook wall like application in Django - part 1
- Using web-based image editors with Django apps
- Facebook aided registration in Django
Ember.js and Django
- Creating modern web applications with Django and ember.js JavaScript framework
- Example Ember.js + Django + Django Rest Framework single-page application
- Setting up ember-cli development environment with ember 2.1
- Ember application structure
- Basics of Ember.js application development
Django apps and examples
- Combining RFID, NFC and QRCodes with django-oscar online shop
- JavaScript based charts in Django made easy with Chartkick application
- Improving select fields in Django with django-ajax-selects
- Simple site traffic statistics with django-basic-stats
- PlushCMS - simple CMS system
- Diamanda Applications Set
- Using Factory Boy in Django application tests
- Lettuce - scenario based tests for Django and other frameworks
- Temporary files in Django for tests and on the fly file manipulation
- Continuous integration of Django projects with Jenkins
- Testing Django applications with Selenium
- Configuring various browsers for Selenium web applications tests
- Aiding tests with Ludibrio stubs and mocks
Deployment and debugging
- A quick introduction to Docker containers for Django web developers
- Chaussette and Circus as a new way to deploy your Django applications
- mod_wsgi
- Django on nginx
- Django profiling with hotshot and kcachegrind
- Profiling Django object size and memory usage with Pympler
- Django/Python app memory usage - examples
- Debugging Python code in a browser with wdb debugger
- Quick and handy wheel package format for Python applications
Old articles
- Django and Comet
- Django, Comet and IRC client
- Django and Lupy
- Example Facebook application in Django
- Facebook Connect - Django integration on
- SQLite performance and Django
- Filter View in Django
- punBB to MyghtyBoard importer
- Hosting Django under Nginx with SCGI and WSGI
- Deploying Django project with gunicorn and Nginx
- Django and Cherokee server
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