Starting new web service business from IT point of view - ChatPilot case study
A company wants to start a new web service - a messaging aggregator for customer support. How do you go from an idea to a Python/Vue/Socket.IO web application? This is a story of told by it dev team.
Mounting custom industrial filters in astronomical filter cells
Custom scientific and industrial filters can fill the need for unique filters for astrophotography. Such filters do not come mounted in standard 1,25" or 2" filter cells so we have to do this on our own. Lets see what options there are to mount custom filters in astronomical filter cells.
Programmatically creating video clips and animated GIFs in Python
Video editing is an art of it own but sometimes you may have to generate a video programmatically - like a short marketing or manual type of clip that uses data from your application at the time of creation. This can be done in Python although it won't be that easy. MoviePy and Gizeh can be used to create animated GIFs or video clips with text, images, animated vector graphics and alike. Let see what they can do.
Generating realistic landscape images with Nvidia Canvas showcase app
Nvidia Canvas is a showcase application that allows you to generate realistic landscape images with AI. Using options like grass
, hill
, ocean
you can tell the AI to generate given feature on selected spot of the image. Lets take a look.
Streaming live video feed on a website with a mjpeg server
Basic video streaming on a webpage can be quite handy when you want to show a live view from an IP camera or other similar source. From many solutions available I'll showcase here a simple MJPEG server streaming a video source and displaying it on a webpage.
Luminance filters in planetary astrophotography
Luminance channel is common for DS images while for planetary ones it's rarely seen. If it happens it's often an infrared filter. So what's wrong with more typical luminance filters and can we actually use them to improve planetary images?
Impact of LED city lights on astrophotography
LED lights are replacing sodium laps in urban lighting. When done properly it can lead to some major power savings but it doesn't come without disadvantages. Lets take a look at how it could impact astronomy.
Scripting LCD on Wio Terminal with ArduPy
One of Wio Terminal key features is the LCD display. It can be used to provide a graphical interface for your device. In this tutorial I'll go over using the LCD in MicroPython with ArduPy.
Windows 11 vs Windows 10 in WoW Shadowlands 9.2 PTR
Windows 11 is the fresh version of the critically acclaimed Microsoft operating system. There were and sometimes still are some differences or issues with it when it comes to gaming so let's give it a quick test using World of Warcraft Shadowlands 8.2 PTR.
Using DXVK on Windows to improve Final Fantasy XIV performance
DXVK is a Windows DX API implementation using Vulkan API. It's intended for running Windows games on Linux but can also be used on Windows to boost performance of old DX 9 and some DX 11 game. Let's take a look at running Final Fantasy XIV over Vulkan on Windows.